Angela M Gallo is Artistic Director of Sapphire Moon Dance Company, Professor of Dance and Dean of the School of Visual and Performing Arts at Coker University in South Carolina. She directed the Coker Repertory Dance Company from 2003-2009 and was SE Regional Director of American College Dance Association until 2016. She received a BFA in Theatre and Dance from Central Connecticut State University and a MFA in Dance from the University of Michigan.
Angela’s performance highlights include: Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland; White Wave Cool NY Festival, the Dancenow Downtown Festival, Dance Theatre Workshop, WIlliamsburg Arts Nexus (WAX) in NYC; the Fringe Festival of Independent Artists in Toronto, Canada; in Southeast, at the Alabama and Charlotte Dance Festivals, Dimensions: the SC Contemporary Dance Festival, Piccolo Spoleto Festival, the Sumter Opera House and South Carolina Dance Association events. She has choreographed for the Columbia Classical Ballet Company, the Power Company and Vibrations Dance Company.
Angela has performed in the works of Jose Limon, Doug Varone, Christian Von Howard and Dan Wagoner. She has also danced with the Power Company (SC), AmDAT: Dance Art Technology (NY) and worked on smaller projects with Ballet Preljocaj and Anou Skan (France) and Eisenhower Dance Ensemble (MI).
Angela was runner up for the South Carolina Arts Commission’s Fellowship in Dance in 2007 and has been the recipient of grants from the Cultural Council of Richland and Lexington Counties, Black Creek Arts Council and South Arts.
Angela has taught at Peridance (NYC), The Movement Salon (NYC), New York Dance Center, University of Michigan, Hartford Ballet School, Greater Hartford Academy of Performing Arts High School, and others. Angela has also been a guest artist at Spelman College, Converse College, the Atlanta Ballet, and other locations.