Dance Me A Story

Children's Ballet: Ages 5-7

“Dance Me a Story” is a multi-disciplinary program designed to introduce young children to dance and literature. Over four weeks, participants will be guided through the journey of The Nutcracker, led by our year round Instructors and Teaching Assistants from the Joffrey Ballet School Trainee Program. Through the use of creative dance movement, children will explore the actions and emotions of the characters in The Nutcracker, bringing the story to life through physical expression.

This FREE, four-week program will take place on Sundays from 1:00-2:15 pm at the Joffrey Ballet School, with classes scheduled for October 27, November 3, November 10, and November 17.

The program aims to nurture and inspire young dancers by combining elements of creative movement, ballet, and storytelling in an inclusive and engaging environment. At the end of the program, participants will receive two complimentary tickets to the Joffrey Ballet School’s production of The Nutcracker at LaGuardia Performing Arts Center, taking place December 14-15, 2024

Artistic Director: Jo Matos Location: 434 Ave. of the Americas, 3rd Fl. NY NY 10011


Class NameDayDateTimeStudio
Children's BalletDance Me A StoryIn-PersonSunday10/27/20241:00-2:15pmJBS Manhattan
Children's BalletDance Me A StoryIn-PersonSunday11/3/20241:00-2:15pmJBS Manhattan
Children's BalletDance Me A StoryIn-PersonSunday11/10/20241:00-2:15pmJBS Manhattan
Children's BalletDance Me A StoryIn-PersonSunday11/17/20241:00-2:15pmJBS Manhattan
Click to register
In each 75-minute session, students will develop an understanding of action verbs and their relation to movement, using the themes of The Nutcracker to enhance their creativity. As a stepping stone to ballet technique, the program will introduce basic concepts of coordination, musicality, and stability, set to live piano music.
The program will also incorporate prop-making crafts, allowing participants to create items that will be used during their dance explorations, further connecting the themes of the story to their movement. Special care will be taken to ensure that the curriculum is accessible to children with tactile or auditory sensitivities, or other special needs.

This project is made possible in part with funds from Creative Learning, a regrant program supported by The New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by LMCC. LMCC serves, connects, and makes space for artists and community. For more info please visit:

Online Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Participant Information

Participants must be between 5 and 7 years old.

Parent/Guardian Information

Program Dates Confirmation*

Program Dates Confirmation*

By checking the box below, you confirm that you are registering your child for all four program dates:

  • October 27
  • November 3
  • November 10
  • November 17
Liability Waiver*
  • I am not aware of any medical condition I have that should preclude me from participating in dance and / or aerial activities. I understand there is a definitive risk of injury associated with dancing and/or performing aerials, and that such injuries include, but are not limited to bruises, dislocations, broken bones, torn or damaged muscles and ligaments, paralysis, and even death. I understand that such injuries may be caused in whole or in party by myself, or by the actions or inactions of other students or instructors.
  • In consideration of being accepted for dance and or aerial instruction by the Center for American Dance (d.b.a. Joffrey Ballet School), and in further consideration of the expertise and achievements of instructors at the Center for American Dance (d.b.a. Joffrey Ballet School), and the limited number of students that may be accepted by the Center for American Dance (d.b.a. Joffrey Ballet School), I agree to all of the following, which shall bind me, and also my heirs, assigns executors, and administrators:
    • A. I/My child agree(s) to immediately stop performing any activity if I/they feel any pain, dizziness, light-headedness, or any other symptoms, and to immediately report those symptoms to the instructor. I/they also agree to carefully follow the instructors’ directions, to ask for additional directions if I do not understand any particular activity, and to immediately stop any activity which I/they believe I am/they are not competent or confident enough to perform.
    • B. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I/they agree and represent that I/they assume the risk and responsibility for any and all injuries to myself that I/they sustain while performing any dance or aerial activities, including any and all costs and damages that are a consequence of such injuries, and whether such injuries, costs and damages were caused in whole or in part by the Center for American Dance’s (d.b.a. Joffrey Ballet School) students, or instructors, or the Artistic/Program Director.
    • C. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Center for American Dance (d.b.a. Joffrey Ballet School), the Artistic/Program Director, and their instructors, agents, employees, contractors, clients, and students, from and against all claims, costs, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from my performance or other participation in any dance or aerial activities, regardless of whether or not such claim, cost, damage, loss or expense, was caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder.

    I am not aware of any medical condition I have or am suffering from that should preclude me from participating in dance activities. I understand there is a definitive risk of injury associated with dancing and that such injuries include, but are not limited to bruises, dislocations, broken bones, torn or damaged muscles and ligaments, paralysis, and even death. I understand that such injuries may be caused in whole or in partly by myself, or by the actions or inactions of other students or instructors.  I also agree to carefully follow the instructors’ directions, to ask for additional directions if I do not understand any particular activity, and to immediately stop any activity which I believe I am not competent or confident enough to perform.

    I understand that in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, Center for American Dance Inc. d/b/a Joffrey Ballet School is requiring all individuals who enter onto Joffrey premises, take a class at a Joffrey location or via remote learning, or otherwise participate in any Joffrey event to execute this Waiver and Release of Liability, acknowledging the risks related to COVID-19 as well as  such other injuries that may result from such activities.

    I understand and accept that dance education sometimes requires hands-on instruction as well as verbal instruction. I accept that instructors may correct dancers by touching their arms, legs, feet, hips, back and head to move them in the correct position. I further understand and accept that it is normal and usual for students to touch each other during dance class, including touching each other’s arms, legs, feet, hips, back and head, particularly, but not limited to, classes involving partnering and improvisation. I acknowledge and accept that this is a common standard in dance instruction and understand that it is the student’s responsibility to communicate clearly with the student’s teacher, other students, and/or the director if any form of touch is unacceptable to the student.

    The waiver, release and other representations and covenants set forth herein are given in consideration for Joffrey permitting me and/or my child or ward to enter onto Joffrey premises, take a class at a Joffrey location or via remote learning, or otherwise participate in any Joffrey event. 

    Acceptance of Risk; Release; Indemnification.  I am fully aware that there are a number of risks associated with me and/or my child or ward entering onto  Joffrey premises, taking a class at a   Joffrey location or via remote learning, and/or participating in any  Joffrey event during the COVID-19 pandemic or at any time, including without limitation: (a) I and/or my child or ward and/or our family and/or other third parties with whom we may come into contact could contract COVID-19 or other diseases (including but not limited to influenza or legionnaires disease), which could result in a serious medical condition and/or require medical treatment in a hospital, and which may result in permanent harm and/or possibly lead to death; and (b) I and/or my child or ward will be subject to normal risks associated with engaging in physical activity such as physical injuries, including without limitation, from slips or falls, muscle pulls, broken bones, or such other serious injury, or loss or damage to personal property, or even death.  On behalf of myself and/or my child or ward and our heirs, successors and assigns, I knowingly and freely, assume all such risks, both known and unknown (including but not limited to contracting COVID-19), relating to my and/or my child’s or ward’s entering onto  Joffrey premises, taking a class at a Joffrey location or via remote learning, and/or participating in any Joffrey event, and I hereby now and forever release, waive, relinquish, and discharge Joffrey, along with their officers, directors, shareholders/owners, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, Greenwich Village Ballet LLC and the employees of Greenwich Village Ballet LLC, or other representatives, and their successors and assigns (collectively, the “Joffrey Parties”), from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, and other losses of any kind, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, (collectively, “Damages”) as a result of me and/or my child or ward entering onto  Joffrey premises, taking a class at a  Joffrey location or via remote learning, and/or participating in any  Joffrey event, including but not limited to those related to the above described personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, and including but not limited to claims based on the alleged negligence of any of the Joffrey Parties or any other person. I further promise not to sue or Joffrey or any of the Joffrey Parties, and agree to indemnify and hold them harmless from any and all Damages resulting from my and/or my child’s or ward’s entering onto  Joffrey premises, taking a class at a  Joffrey location or via remote learning, and/or participating in any  Joffrey event.  I understand that my agreement herein is on-going and continuous and shall not need to be renewed, but Joffrey may request my updated signature at any time.

    I further agree and request for myself and/or my minor children that our relevant health information regarding personal health information, care and treatment be released for the limited purpose of contact tracing related to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.  In accordance with New York State Law and the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), I understand that: (1) The information disclosed shall be limited only to information relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic and for the purpose of contact tracing; (2) This authorization shall NOT include disclosure of information relating to alcohol and drug abuse, mental health treatment, or confidential HIV related information. If this information is disclosed, I understand that I have the right to request a list of people who may receive or use the disclosed information without authorization; if I experience discrimination because of the release or disclosure of such information, I may contact the New York State Division of Human Rights at (212) 480-2493 or the New York City Commission of Human Rights at (212) 306-7450, which are the agencies responsible for protecting my rights; (3) I have the right to revoke this authorization at any time by writing to the health care provider listed below.  I understand that I may revoke this authorization except to the extent that action has already been taken based on this authorization; (4) I  understand  that  signing  this  authorization  is  voluntary and health care treatment,  payment of health care charges,  enrollment  in  a  health  plan,  or  eligibility  for health care benefits will not be conditioned upon my authorization of this disclosure; (5) Information disclosed under this authorization might be redisclosed by the recipient, and this redisclosure may no longer be protected by federal or state law; (6) THIS AUTHORIZATION DOES NOT AUTHORIZE DISCLOSURE OF HEALTH INFORMATION OR MEDICAL CARE WITH ANYONE OTHER THAN CONTACT TRACERS AND ONLY TO THE LIMITED EXTENT NEEDED FOR SUCH PURPOSE

    I understand that should I be diagnosed with COVID-19 five or less days from the start of the program I will not be allowed to attend as Joffrey Ballet School follows CDC guidelines per Covid-19 isolation periods. Any unused class payments may be transferred to future class sessions. I would need to contact Joffrey Ballet School support for assistance.

    I have fully read and agree to all of the above, and I make this agreement and the representations herein in order to induce the Center for American Dance (d.b.a. Joffrey Ballet School), to allow me to audition to be a student for dance instruction.

    In the event that the participant/student is a minor or is not of such capacity to be held legally responsible for executing this agreement, the undersigned parent and/or legal guardian signs this on behalf of the participant/student and individually. If, despite this release, the participant makes a claim against any of the Releases, the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) will reimburse the Releasee for any money which they have paid to the participant, or on his behalf, and hold them harmless.

    Limited Use Photographic Release*

    Limited Use Photographic Release

    For and in consideration of my enrollment as a student by the Joffrey Ballet School – Center for American Dance (hereafter referred to as "the School") on terms hereinafter stated, I hereby give the School and the School's staff, faculty and marketing team, their legal representatives and assigns, those for whom the School, its staff, faculty, and marketing team are acting, and those acting with their permission, the right to copyright and / or use, reuse and / or publish, and republish the photographic pictures and/or video of me taken during the course of my study at the School or at any School performances and activities.

    I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photograph(s) and/or videos prior to publication.

    I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless the School and the School's staff, faculty and marketing team, their representatives, assigns, or any other person or persons, corporation or corporations, for whom they might be acting, including any firm publishing or producing and / or distributing the finished product, in whole or in part, from and against any liability as a result of its publication or distribution of the same.

    I certify that I, suffering under no legal disabilities and that I have read the foregoing release, authorization and agreement, before affixing my signature below, and warrant that I fully understand the contents thereof.