Luam began dancing with African Rhythms Dance Company at University of Pennsylvania and Ballet Shango in Philadelphia before moving to NY (graduating with degree in Biological Basis of Behavior, double minors in Psychology & African American Studies). While working at AOLTimeWarner’s TIme Inc. in the Advanced Technology Group, she continued training at Broadway Dance Center and Djoniba Dance Center studying Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballet, West African, Cuban, Modern & Haitian. Meanwhile she continued at Time Inc, working on creative technology projects with Fortune, People, Entertainment Weekly, as well as their Intranet & Advanced Communications Goup.
Her passion for dance always incorporated teaching and choreography & she began teaching at Djoniba Dance Center & NY Sports Club in 2000 and later Broadway Dance Center. Suddenly in 2002, she left her career in technology and plans for medicine behind to pursue dance full time. Now free to aggressively pursue her dreams in dance/choreography, she continued teaching and training, while her work became more and more visible not only in the artist community, but all over the world.
Luam encourages others to pursue their dreams with determination, humility, and hope in the face of difficult life decisions and choices.