Peyton Winsett

Runa King


Peyton is originally from Oklahoma but moved to Orange, CA to pursue her undergraduate studies at her dream college, Chapman University. She is currently a third-year student studying a BA in both Dance and Psychology, as well as a minor in Integrated Educational Studies. During her three years at Chapman, she has worked several campus jobs, including being a campus tour guide, an office assistant at the dance department, and a resident advisor. She is also a chair member of the dance department advisory council, where she advocates for student and department needs. Through these involvements, Peyton has refined her skills in organization, communication, customer service, and management. Peyton has also been a dance educator and mentor since training at her home studio in Oklahoma and hopes to continue to have a positive impact on the youth of dance. She has been given the opportunity to choreograph and perform in several concerts at Chapman and plans to continue both post-grad. Her other postgraduate plans consist of pursuing a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy and continuing to train to become a dance educator.